Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fighting Canine Cancer -- We Bite Back

 Daybreak (lost to cancer, 5yrs), Diesel, Dare (lost to cancer, 4yrs), Daria (euthanized at 6 weeks, failure to thrive)

There's too much adorable around here, it keeps dragging me away from the computer! But as this picture from 2003 reminds me, these babies grow up to be our beloved friends--and we are losing too many of them to cancers of one kind or another. So I wanted to link and support this WE BITE BACK fundraiser to fight canine cancer. This fundraiser spearheaded by Sheli Rhodes, handler of Agility Victrix MACH Blackthorn's Deva, is targeting $5,000--and they're almost there!

If you don't want to donate online and you're in Virginia or nearby, there's a fun doggy event at Sheli's Love on A Leash, Saturday August 28th--see Love on a Leash Dog Training and Agility for info on how to get there.

Sheli says:

We will start Agility, Obedience and Rally Run Thrus at 4 pm. Obedience and Rally will be inside, Agility outside.Come let your dogs try out the agility equipment!!!!
We will have raffle items, food and some activities. We will have the paw prints again this year to decorate and put on the wall in honor or in memory of someone that is always in our heart.
The balloon release was amazing last year.  We had markers and stickers on hand to decorate the balloons, so many of them went up bearing the name of a gone but not forgotten Best Friend. Everybody got so quiet as the balloons went up. They were blue, pink, and  white. It was quite a moving sight.
We will have the luminaries walk at the end of the evening.
It was just beautiful last year with the sun going down. We lined the walking field with different colored bags we decorated and put tea light candles in. We are having a much shorter day this year. Unfortunately we started too early last year and lots of people left before the luminaries walk. Hope more can stay this year. Things should finish up around 8'ish.

If you would rather mail a donation instead of donating online, you are welcome to send your donation to

Love on a Leash, LLC
3225 Harpine Hwy
Harrisonburg, Va. 22802

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